We offer a wide range of electrophoresis products including Agaroses, Ethidium Bromide alternatives (with no loss of sensitivity), Buffers, Ladders etc.
Electrophoresis is a common lab technique used to identify, quantify, and purify nucleic acid fragments. We offer superior quality reagents for agarose gel electrophoresis, acrylamide gel electrophoresis in order to simplify your DNA analysis.
Gel electrophoresis is a method by which DNA, RNA, or proteins are separated by electric current typically in an agarose gel. Agarose gels are cast and placed in a gel box with buffer. The sample is pipetted into wells cast into the gels and the electric current is applied to the system. The electric current causes the molecules to move through the gel at different rates depending on their mass and mass to charge ratio. Once complete, staining of the molecules within the gel allow for visibility by the researcher. If the molecules are able to fluoresce, an image of the gel and molecular movement can be taken.