A complete line of premium quality reagents
TBE Buffer (Tris-Borate-EDTA)
TBE is a widely used buffer for analysis of DNA by both acrylamide and agarose gel electrophoresis. TBE Buffer is optimized for DNA purification and DNA sequencing techniques. AMRESCO offers TBE Buffer in a variety of different formats (powder, liquid concentrates, Ready-Packs™, and gel tablets) for maximum flexibilty and convenience.
Composition of (1X) TBE Buffer:
0.089 M Tris Base
0.089 M Boric Acid
0.002 M EDTA
Final pH 8.3
TBE Buffer Properties & Recommended Uses: High Resolution of Small DNA Fragments, Useful for < 1 kb DNA Separations, High Buffering Capactiy (greater than 1X TAE), Useful for Extended Electrophoresis Runs, Buffer Re-circulation not Required, High Ionic Strength.
TAE Buffer (Tris-Acetate-EDTA)
TAE is an extensively used buffer for agarose gel electrophoresis applications requiring high resolution and separation of high molecular weight, double-stranded DNA. TAE Buffer is more compatible with in-gel manipulations and band recovery procedures than TBE Buffer.
Composition of (1X) TAE Buffer:
0.04 M Tris-Acetate
0.001 M EDTA
Final pH 8.0
TAE Buffer Properties and Recommended Uses: Useful for DNA Recovery and in-gel Manipulations, Better Resolution of Large DNA Fragments, Useful for > 12 kb DNA Separations, Low Buffering Capacity Buffer Re-circulation, may be Required Low Ionic Strength.
MOPS (3-[N-Morpholino]Propane Sulfonic Acid)
MOPS is a zwitterionic buffer ideally suited for RNA electrophoresis in agarose. Having a buffering range from 6.5 – 7.9, MOPS works exceptionally well with formaldehyde gels at 20 mM concentration.