Browse our catalogue of over 450 genesig qPCR kits for pathogen detection, veterinary testing, meat speciation and much much more.
Genesig qPCR Testing Kits
genesig range of qPCR kits by PrimerDesign (UK) has over 450 detection kits for pathogens relevant to a number of fields including; Human Pathogens, Veterinary & Agriculture industries, Food & Water testing and Biothreat detection.
Our kits and mastermix are lyophilised which enables us to ship to almost anywhere in the world where continuity of a cold-chain logistics is impractical, thereby easing transport-coordination costs
We offer exceptional data quality at affordable prices.
Human Pathogen qPCR Kits
qPCR is the ultimate tool for fast and precise investigation into infectious disease. Our range includes kits for:
- Respiratory infections
- Sexually transmitted Infections
- Herpes infections
- Human papillomavirus
- Gastrointestinal infections
- Periodontal infections
- Meningitis
- Vector-borne diseases
- Hepatitis Viruses
Food & Water qPCR Kits
Our genesig range of qPCR kits are faster and more precise than traditional microbiology approaches to food and water testing. qPCR can yield fully quantitative data in less than an hour for:
- Meat speciation
- Fish speciation
- GMO detection
- Pathogen detection
- Allergen testing
Veterinary and Agriculture qPCR Kits
Our genesig range of qPCR kits has a large range of detection kits for pathogens relevant to the Veterinary and Agriculture industries, including kits for:
- Avian infections
- Bovine infections
- Ovine/Caprine infections
- Feline infections
- Canine infections
- Porcine infections
- Equine infections
- Piscean infections
Biothreat Detection Kits
qPCR is the fastest and most precise way to detect biologically derived threats as well as weaponised pathogens. Our range includes:
- Anthrax
- Cholera
- H1N1
- H7N9
- Novel Coronovirus (MERS)