Mycoplasma Detection qPCR Mix – By Procomcure Biotech
PhoenixDx Mycoplasma Mix is a fast, reliable and highly specific qPCR solution for the detection of mycoplasma contamination for example in cell culture. More than 130 different mollicute species can be detected via a specific sequence on the 16s rDNA.
PhoenixDx Mycoplasma Mix can detect Mycoplasma contamination at an early stage. It is an easy, cost-effective and fast testing method that can easily integrated into laboratory routine and help to ensure high-quality data from clean experiments.
PhoenixDx Mycoplasma Mix was evaluated for linearity and sensitivity using a dilution series of mycoplasma DNA from 100 000 copies to 1 copy.

The PhoenixDx® Mycoplasma Mix includes:
• Primers for the amplification of the 16s rDNA region
• A PCR positive control
• FAM Probe for the detection of mollicutes
• HEX Probe for the detection of the PCR Positive Control
• dUTP for optional UNG treatment
• Taq-antibody and VitaTaq® Polymerase for High Performance and HOTSTART Control
• Optimized buffer system for an efficient lysis of intact mollicute cells
• Universal ROX concentration for maximum instrument compatibility
Download the manual here
Read more in a recently published articel here
PhoenixDx® Mycoplasma Mix, 2x qPCR Mastermix for 100×20µl reactions (1 tube of 1ml) | PCCSKU15209 |